Facial Gua Sha Technique


Gua Sha is a traditional Chinese medical technique which can be rather intense and moderately painful when used therapeutically.

But it is also can be used for facial massage. In this case, you don’t have to exert pressure to the extent of discomfort.

Rubbing a skin with a moderately sharp scraping object gives a positive effect which is seen immediately as reddening of a skin. It is a sign of improved blood and lymph circulation.


Our handmade polished scraping gua sha tools are made of Xiuyan Jade – the best type of jade stone used for gua sha. For centuries, it has been considered to own healing properties and widely used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

Gua Sha Facial Tool

Jade Stone has an advantage before Buffalo Horn because of its weight, good grip, and cooling properties. It is a valued natural semiprecious stone.


It involves gently scraping the skin. This encourages blood flow, moves lymph, firms muscles and exfoliates the skin. Like a facelift in just a few minutes.

You can use oil, facial cream or make massage without it.

Divide the face into six zones:

  • upper forehead zone,
  • the lower forehead,
  • zygomatic (cheeks),
  • labial (lip zone),
  • chin,
  • jawline.

Look at this picture to identify these zones (from up to down).

gua sha face 6 zones

Each zone needs ten slow strokes.

The strokes should always be in an upward and outward curve.

Strokes will cause some immediate flushing of the skin. That’s because you are encouraging blood flow to that area. It should not be painful, but you need a gentle massage action across that area.

From the chin zone move gua sha tool up to the ear. Use nice scoops up to the ear.

Finally, the jawline zone. If you are over forty, you’ll probably have a feeling like the guasha tool is moving across something granular and sandy under the skin. That’s some calcium build-ups.

Using gua sha massage you can get rid of that over time. Even if you do it a couple of times a week, then after a few weeks you’ll get a smooth jawline.

Never do the gua sha in the orbital area, pressing on eyeballs. The zone below the eyes should begin with zygomatic (cheek) bone and the down below to labial (lip) zone.

Do this in the evening on clean skin before you go to bed.

If you do it nightly, you’ll see surprising results in as little as a couple of days to a week.


You can use anything from coconut oil, hemp oil, argan oil or you can use your cleansing oil. In this case, you’ll know that at least you don’t have any weird reaction to that. It’s especially important if you have a sensitive skin and have to be very cautious about that.


Be careful; jade stone breaks very easily when dropped to the floor even from very little height. Please avoid this situation.


You’ll spend about 5 minutes to watch 3 short videos explaining the essentials of facial gua sha.
